Asshole club members - ask me anything you'd like!
Only members of the Alex's Asshole Association (AAA) club can ask questions at this AskMe.
ISpySaidI asked over 5 years ago:
if you had to guess what note your internet company has on you, what would it be?
GoAskAlex answered about 5 years ago:
My internet company probably doesn't have a lot aside from "this crazy bish don't know what she want", but the UPS guys probably have a long list of strange costumes I've answered the door in. And the FORTIS (gas) company probably has notes about my hitachi & various dildos on the floor when they arrived to fix the gas leak *dies inside*
ZiasBurr asked over 5 years ago:
what are you 2019 goals and how are you moving forward with them ? what have you accomplished all ready ?
GoAskAlex answered about 5 years ago:
Good question! One of my greatest goals this year is to finally get a dog of my own, but before I do that I'd like to travel. I started seeing a personal trainer last year, and  improving my general health & fitness is a goal for me as well.  My greatest accomplishment so far this year is moving to a place of my own! There is still lots to do, but I've made a lot of progress.