Hormonal Super Strength Breast Expansion

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11 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
You're my conservative Stepfather and you're horrified that my tits are growing at an astonishing rate. I grew from an A-cup to a GG-cup in just a few months. You sit me down and command me to make my tits stop growing. I just laugh and stick out my tits (in a low-cut spaghetti strap top). I explain that I have no intention of stopping as I play with my big tits and tell you that I will continue to grow and bust out of every piece of clothing that you buy for me. Outraged, you threaten to lock me in my room. Smugly I explain that my hormones have also made me freakishly strong. I brag that I can bench crazy amounts now and I could probably rip my bedroom door off its hinges! You don't believe me so I continue to brag about how strong I am. I accidentally broke my boyfriends pelvis whilst riding him and I can peel locker doors back like tinfoil. My tits are so big now that I could ever titty fuck a street light - squishing it in the process. Horrified, you claim that this is not possible. I tell you that my tits are going to continue to grow and grow until I am strong enough to fold your car in half. I'm going to really enjoy making your life a living hell with my gigantic tits and super strength.
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