Eaten by a Blanket

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6 Minutes • 1080p • Downloadable
It’s the end of the day and Alexa has returned from a productive day of garage saling. She got a lot of good stuff, including this super soft, comfy new blanket. She’s getting ready for bed as she talks out loud to herself about it, marveling at how clean it is, like the previous owner (who mysteriously disappeared) never got to use it. Unfortunately she won’t get to use it quite yet either, as it’s the middle of summer and pretty warm out, way too hot for a blanket like this. Alexa leaves the new blanket at the foot of her bed as she climbs in while wearing nothing but a little lace cami and a thong, ready for this tiring day to be over. Later that night, the blanket starts moving. It crawls up towards her arm, swallowing her hand first and continuing up to her shoulder. The warmth of being under a thick blanket on a hot night wakes Alexa up, and she’s shocked to realize she can’t remove her arm from the blanket. She’s caught! She tries to pull her arm out but it sucks head in with one big gulp, leaving her lower half free to kick and wave around. She cries for help as she wiggles her big butt around, barefeet kicking the air as slowly but surely the rest of her is pulled in. Finally the blanket swallows up her feet and everything goes quiet as Alexa is digested, the lump in the blanket where her body was disappears, leaving nothing behind but the soft, unassuming blanket.