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Welcome to my Den Foxes love to create cosy dens and this fanclub is for all the fun, fluffy squish I love and I hope you love too. Roxy's Den is first and foremost for having a Fun space and comraderie to share... (And a few other fun friend with benefits privaledges) This is a fan club, with which provides the following: You will be added to my friends list You will be able to send me private messages You will be able to book an appointment for private shows Receive vouchers to join other clubs (please send DM for info) Be added to my have fun and chillax discord channel or a kik chat channel You will receive messages with updates of upcoming events and new content Occasional bonus content Please be curious to eachother but also respectful of my time and energy. I love to be there for everyone but this is a gift from me to you. Not something that one can demand or abuse. Thank you for joining, I truely appreciate your support :3
1 Member


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