Instant Access
666666 Tokens
By invitation only Golden CLUB is a club of privileged fans who support me and want to be there for me In order to get into SILVER CLUB you must meet one of these conditions: 1. Be active at the show (participating in token keno, finish goal show, buying content). The minimum amount spent on the show is 9000 tk per month. 2. At least 2 times to be on the honor board Privileges for SILVER CLUB fans: 1. Newsletter of all news, new themed shows and promotions among the first 2. 1 free hot album and 20% off any album. 3. 40% off one of my preferred Fantastic Love or INFINITE L O V E clubs 4. Free PM (add friend and /pm) 5. Free Snapchat or free photo-album 6. 20% discount on customs 7. Access to Skype show
3 Members