Picture this. A morning mist sits calm upon the crisp air as the birds and streams sing nature's morning carol; all of creation pauses to soak up what soft light the sun has poured out for them. Dew drips from the raspberries and tomatoes, and is shaken from the peapods by a gentle breeze. Nestled within the bountiful garden, adorned in flowers and entwined by stone paths -- sits a quaint little cottage. A bay window faces the garden, and in that window lay an adorable middle-aged dog, that dog is Bob. Bob gazes hawkishly towards the henhouse, waiting for his flock to emerge for their morning feast. In the mudroom, the sound of Sophie's boots call Bob from his perch, knowing that the front door is soon to follow -- it's time for the morning chores. The pair scamper out into the garden to make their rounds -- Yoshi quickly taking over Bob's warm spot in the window. The chickens run single-file out of their coop, expecting their breakfast to rain down at any moment. Bob anxiously watches over them like a mother goose. Basket in hand, Sophie browses the coop for fresh eggs. The pair continue their morning stroll, occasionally stopping to pull weeds or harvest herbs for breakfast. Walking back to the house, Sophie and Bob pause to appreciate their lives and the bountiful harvest the land has provided them; a dream and a journey that began in July, 2022; made possible by a legion of badasses known as THE BROPHIES. This is my dream.
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