You were all keen for this, so let's plan another one! I'll take the day off regular streams to play games in my server when we hit this goal! HTs will get priority of when we organise this but I'll try to work around as many people's schedules as I can. Join the server to enjoy the hangs via this club! GOAL CLOSED - Games day is 10AM Sunday 21st April AEST~!
Token Goal
This Goal is not enabled.
All 26 Albums, 6 Recordings, 5 Clubs, 2 Polls, and 6 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
turtlehead 9358 Tokens
Anonymous 6032 Tokens
Anonymous 1663 Tokens
bench 761 Tokens
Darkmere 615 Tokens
FIFYFEW 558 Tokens
jd5404 450 Tokens
firhuman 438 Tokens
jonMclane 321 Tokens
knottyphoton 264 Tokens
MrMister121 264 Tokens
teahermit 211 Tokens
BelsCosmos 209 Tokens
hadjidp 148 Tokens
photosureshot 47 Tokens
DocterWho 33 Tokens
BlooBox 22 Tokens
dandydoe 9 Tokens
SaffV 3 Tokens