Sooooo as you very likely already know (because I can't shut up about it), I am currently HIGHLY obsessed with legendary drag queens, Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova (especially the latter 🖤). The gals are starting *yet another* leg of their tour in the U.S. near the beginning of 2023, and I WILL BE GOING. The question now is if I will be able to make this a "cam-cation" and stream during my time out of town (and just how safe/comfortable/extravagant this excursion will be). One member was generous enough to fund what I *thought* would cover all aspects of this trip, but unfortunately I did a bad job of planning. SO...if you would like to see me online during my trip, we gotta get MOVING, 'cuz right now I'm going to be sleeping in airports and crashing with a friend. ✨SPONSOR TIERS & REWARDS - Listen, I don't expect you to do this for nothin', honey. Below are the tiers for sponsorship; tipping for a higher tier will give you all the perks and bennies of all lower tiers. 💖Contribute 500 tokens or more to receive any and all content I make during this trip, including the stream recordings from the hotel 💖Contributors of 1,000 tokens or more will also be added to my February Club and will receive a little souvenir from me via the mail + lower tier benefits 💖Contributors of 3,000 tokens or more will receive access to all 12 of my monthly clubs from 2022 + lower tier benefits 💖Contributors of 5,000 tokens or more will be added to all 12 of my monthly clubs for 2023 + lower tier benefits 💖Contributors of 10,000 tokens or more...I honestly have no idea yet, but I will think of something and it will be awesome!!! **NOT INCLUDED IN THIS GOAL: $150 or $300 Meet & Greet - obvs a stretch, but including this anyway cuz I'm an INFP and therefore I DREAM BIG, SWEETHEART 🙃 Once the goal is met, if anyone is feeling insanely generous and tips the 6,000 tokens for the Meet & Greet, they will receive...something (tbd haha)!!! If the goal is NOT met, benefactors will still receive spoils for their contribution <3
Feb 19, 2023
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Feb 19, 2023.
You can send Blake_Bardot a Share Tip!
Anonymous 5187 Tokens
Valaris 2941 Tokens
Atone 1000 Tokens
HumanReige 645 Tokens
Vult08 118 Tokens
dragonwatcher 70 Tokens
DukeSilver34 23 Tokens
CycloneJokerX 9 Tokens
newd345 5 Tokens
nicas_steev 2 Tokens