A smile is so important. A smile can tell a thousand stories and paint a picture of beauty. Your face is one of the first things people will notice about you, and a beautiful smile can make a big impact! Finally I am ready for this…. I am planning on getting braces! I already went ,for consultation with best dentist in city and looked over couple options how I can make my smile perfect. I will have to start with wearing braces on my upper jaw for couple months, after also lower jaw. πŸ˜„I bet I am not going to stop smiling after all this will be done! This goal going to cover all expenses for taking care of upper jaw braces and braces adjustment every 8-10 weeks! Thank you for helping make my smile beautiful! πŸ˜„
Apr 15, 2022
May 02, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on May 02, 2022.
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All 31 Albums, 1 Collection, 6 Items, 16 Clubs, and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
squirl 39358 Tokens
TheMaq 2830 Tokens
Benny936 784 Tokens
Anonymous 755 Tokens
Rene190 600 Tokens
Waldeye2 550 Tokens
Anonymous 500 Tokens
cornfed42 500 Tokens
Tasteicle 450 Tokens
Jablonski405 450 Tokens
Cosmic_God 443 Tokens
altok 400 Tokens
Papek89 307 Tokens
Jabb89 300 Tokens
TheGreyOne 277 Tokens
Distanced83 222 Tokens
Trex2015 200 Tokens
Loop80 199 Tokens
brainer22 190 Tokens
Eisinger 190 Tokens
Robo_Patty 190 Tokens
sportgoalie29 190 Tokens
FIRE_ICE_VP 190 Tokens
kite_smurf 130 Tokens
Ajohnson321 75 Tokens
deepbluedream 58 Tokens
mixtomix 52 Tokens
guyinthe 37 Tokens
beyond_bounds 29 Tokens
Dan_Crystal93 25 Tokens
poetwarrrior 22 Tokens
deltoro 7 Tokens