So here is a deal. It’s getting cold gray and rainy in one of the God’s forgotten countries sooo I figured rescue AGNES from falling in depression and treat her with sun bananas and love ❤️ Let’s get 20000Tks this weekend towards little beauty’s trip to paradise from Jan 16th - 23rd! All contributors over 200tks will get access to our Canary CLUB shows. over 500tks CLUB show pass + photo gallery from island. Over 1000tks all above + special video. Champions over 5000Tks -all above + video just for you. Would be nice if we would exceed this goal since girls like to do shopping go to SPA and drink expensive champagne🥂 Let’s make it happen!
Jan 14, 2020
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Jan 14, 2020.
You can send FIRE_ICE_EMMA a Share Tip!
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All 31 Albums, 1 Collection, 6 Items, 16 Clubs, and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
tokens4sharky 15895 Tokens
kappatree 8671 Tokens
fenrir84 789 Tokens
batra 719 Tokens
PippaBear 699 Tokens
Anonymous 699 Tokens
DonldDuckVEVO 499 Tokens
the_ladida 320 Tokens
Anonymous 268 Tokens
THE_BIG_D_12 249 Tokens
Anonymous 200 Tokens
Swm9716 199 Tokens
chodicuzs 199 Tokens
Matt5191 82 Tokens
BigKuntryGuy 27 Tokens
FatandUgly 20 Tokens