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First day on MFC share!
Just my way of writing about my experiences on MFC and MFC share
man keeping up with this is hard

i try tho, harder to type with my nails done.

ive decided that i also wanna get into streaming on twitch and making better content here, its a thrill to see people enjoying ccontent and allowing me to express my artistic side in a ..revealing manner haha
AHHH ive missed some days - 

been busy - MFC and the people who have visited me have given me a chance to get my own place, my very first apartment. Im so excited, To think it happened so fast too, Im trying to be responsible and not squander the oppurtunity so im getting a apartment to build rental history and establish credit since i have none. 

it will also allow me to make more content more freely for the few fans ive been fortunate enough to retain. gotta stay positive and make more content. but im pretty clueless as to what people like.. ANy thoughts? help lol? give me ideas
Technically day 6 but honestly sometimes my days blur together. Haaiiii - so today I made a few videos, but unfortunately couldn't broadcast during my normal times, had to pack alot of stuff and move it into storage. It's pretty stressful stepping into the stereo typical adult world. I mean im 19, trying to get my own place and it seems my lack of credit history is my only major hinderence. Fortunately my friends on myfreecams were able to distract me with discussions of dungeons and dragons and fun with sabryna. Really debating buying professional studio lights and some other cool gadgets to aid my camming adventure. 

Anyway im scatter brained, tired, for those that watch me often - thank you, thank you for chatting and keeping the room fun!!! Gnight 
Captains log - 

abord the USS MFC the crew and I encountered tons of pleasurable moments, collectively discussing fetishes and kinks, as well as video games and hobbies. Ive come to the conclusion that my room helpers are against me, forcing me as the captain to undergo torture in their stead. Preventing me from orgasming as required by laws of MFC subsection 827-b paragraph 3 " captains must not toucheth thyne sexual parts when tipped not to do so" it was fun, but ... fuck.. i wanted to finish haha. FYI if you are reading this .... WHY NOT JOIN MY ROOM? im fun lol come chat - or join and read the lol's or the XXX's
So after a very fun sybian fueled mid-day show, i can honestly say the motorbunny sex toy is.. amazing, ive cum soooooo many times from people controlling it. I dont think its intensity will affect my normal life, but its definatly nice to not have to manually appease myself. its also interesting to see what people who decide to control it do,  for example one person kept it on full power like goku before launching a kamehameha. Others rotated and spun that made my girl bits feel ballerina-esque. Overall awesome people came in and hung out made me laugh in the best of ways. Added a few people to the bunny army.

gonna eat and perhaps log back on after making a new video -

stay tuned, and as always - come hang out with me, chatting is ALWAYS welcome
Geez, so what to write lol - I guess ill start with how easy it was for me to learn and navigate the menus of MFC share. After a pretty fun day having orgasms with the people who joined my room and utilizing my sybian I was fairly tired. Expended far too much energy but still raring to go  haha. I decided to take some peoples advice and get into MFC share, as a way to give another manner of interaction among people who deicde to give me their time.  Although I dont typically like camming at the time slot i decided to, im quite glad i decided to give it a whirl, got to meet some new members who had me LAUGHING my ass off. We talked about my cat and odd food that i decided one day ill try.

not all of it was super fun tho, TO THE PEOPLE WHO decided to make me use the sybian MY girl bits are upset and want to fight you. lol 

to anyone who took the time to read this, thank you - come chat with me and experience my awkwardness, i promise im cute lol