I come before you today to share with you some of my recent journey. After a series of medical investigations, I received the diagnosis of cancer. This news came as a shock to me. During this difficult time, your support is incredibly important to me. Cancer treatment involves significant costs and unfortunately my financial resources are limited. So, I humbly ask you to consider helping me in this fight by donating, no matter how small, to help cover the cost of treatment and allow me to continue the fight. Any contribution, no matter how small, is invaluable to me and will be used responsibly to help me get the treatment I so desperately need. Whether it's a financial donation, sharing this message, or your simple presence and encouragement, every gesture means a lot to me. With your help and God's strength, I know I can overcome this trial and beat cancer. With gratitude and love, Kellie
Token Goal
All 32 Albums, 4 Recordings, 24 Items, 22 Clubs, and 6 Polls contribute to this Goal.
Anonymous 790 Tokens
Anonymous 250 Tokens
jerry08 200 Tokens
imloser 130 Tokens
Gunssz 20 Tokens
MarvMck 10 Tokens