Planning on doing a huge lingerie shopping spree for cam, in dire need of new stuff. Once goal is completed, ill do allll the shopping I can ;) Top 3 tippers for this goal will receive pictures of me in the new outfits!
Token Goal
Redemption92 Shopping Spree for Lingerie 650 Tokens
ColtsShy Shopping Spree for Lingerie 5 Tokens
AlysSmarty Shopping Spree for Lingerie 3000 Tokens
AlysPapichulo Shopping Spree for Lingerie 900 Tokens
ColtsShy Shopping Spree for Lingerie 5 Tokens
ColtsShy Shopping Spree for Lingerie 5 Tokens
ShysRyderdie Shopping Spree for Lingerie 342 Tokens
Redemption92 Shopping Spree for Lingerie 550 Tokens
BigTony92 Shopping Spree for Lingerie 250 Tokens
ShysRyderdie Shopping Spree for Lingerie 5 Tokens
AlysPapichulo Shopping Spree for Lingerie 2010 Tokens
JJsShy Shopping Spree for Lingerie 250 Tokens
ShysRyderdie Shopping Spree for Lingerie 5 Tokens
AlysSmarty Shopping Spree for Lingerie 1000 Tokens
jwjmgr1 Shopping Spree for Lingerie 400 Tokens
AlysPapichulo Shopping Spree for Lingerie 90 Tokens
JJsShy Shopping Spree for Lingerie 10 Tokens
AlysSmarty Shopping Spree for Lingerie 7500 Tokens