Hey sloots! I'm taking a little bit of time to decompress and refresh my mind and body before coming back to cam so I thought I would make a fun offline goal for things to do when I log back online! This will also help your favorite emo sloot with her scamscore! Everything on my MFC Share counts towards this. All albums, items, tip menus, clubs, etc. ๐Ÿ”ฅ GOAL MILESTONES! ๐Ÿ”ฅWhen goal reaches 20k tokens = I log on wearing my new Vulse or Flexer Lovense toy! Highest contributor will get 30 minutes full control ๐Ÿ˜ˆ ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅWhen goal reaches 40k tokens = I log on and do a cumshow with my brand new Lovense Gravity Toy! Highest contributor will get to control it until I cum ๐Ÿ˜ˆ ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅWhen Goal reaches 60k tokens = I log on and do a motorbunny show with my new dick attachment!! Highest contributor tells me what levels to put it on and when until I cum ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅWhen goal reaches 80k tokens (or we get top 20 offline) = I log on and do a motorbunny cumshow with the dick attachment that the highest contributor will control AND I will then do a motorbunny DP show with my brand new DP attachment that the highest contributor will also control. LETS FUCKING GOOOOO SLOOTSSSSSSSSSS
Token Goal
All 106 Albums, 6 Collections, 25 Items, and 29 Clubs contribute to this Goal.
GenTecker 35766 Tokens
Grimgu_JW 26336 Tokens
PickleHubbyBA 18093 Tokens
BATruthMav 9973 Tokens
Cisum5367 7575 Tokens
Irishd1123BA 7214 Tokens
Kevin5125 4275 Tokens
BA_trucker89 3441 Tokens
Bajoe99wrld 3000 Tokens
ItzHank3bish 2997 Tokens
BAChap_053 2414 Tokens
KetchupChip 2222 Tokens
Devil_Johnny 2202 Tokens
ReprehensibLR 1837 Tokens
Kkusername766 1500 Tokens
aa_bladeoflie 1463 Tokens
FloofyLiger 1337 Tokens
Anonymous 1337 Tokens
FknTiltMe 1337 Tokens
WTFIrishdBA 1332 Tokens
pj1791 666 Tokens
Anonymous 666 Tokens
Lowky 555 Tokens
koalahug1000 550 Tokens
sanpadre 333 Tokens
StarGazer2012 333 Tokens
Trophyhunter3 333 Tokens
Anonymous 333 Tokens
Collin4 333 Tokens
winepup1 300 Tokens
Nolajay653_BA 200 Tokens
spikeborn 199 Tokens
Brian89538 199 Tokens
NeversummerO 199 Tokens
FrFrankieJO 199 Tokens
Dan_1552 192 Tokens
BaFish 105 Tokens
Donavan1991 99 Tokens
KBs_Microwave 22 Tokens
YouthfulDaddy 2 Tokens
DevoNAT_AT_XX 1 Tokens