Tip towards this goal to allow me an international trip of at least one week! This would be an insane thing to hit- I have been wanting to go back to Asia, South America, and Europe!! I've also never seen Australia! AHHH all the options in the world 🤩 This trip will obviously be snapped and possibly streamed depending on wherever I stay!! This would be at least a week of a trip so this goal contributes toward my airbnb, gas, food, drinks, shenanigans, Evie's care, and a souvenir of course! The top 3 tippers towards this goal gets (possibly another) free year of travel snap and special snaps! **Only Share tips towards this goal specifically will count! This just counts as a group crowd funding for a lil fun trip for yours truly! 🥰 Thank you for every contribution towards this goal from yours truly <3
Token Goal
The following 2 Items contribute to this Goal: